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We greatly appreciate your contribution! It is because of Champions like you, we can further our Areas of Focus!
Though we are a 501(c)(3), please consult with your tax professional or accountant regarding any tax benefits. Should your contribution or purchase qualify, please note that our EIN # is 85-1505024.
The Maynard 4 Foundation
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“A little learning, indeed, may be a dangerous thing, but the want of learning is a calamity to any people.” – Frederic Douglass
We seek to take a unique and targeted approach in addressing the needs of our nation’s youth. Particularly, we are counting on the commitment of our sponsors to aid in the advancement and promotion of our children by providing laptops, backpacks, school supplies, school uniforms, and assisting those who have the desire but lack the means to attend summer enrichment programs. Corporate partners, we need your help in order to further the educational advancement of our nation’s youth! Let’s help them to Dare on to Live Their Destinies!
We aim to:
- Address the needs of schools in rural areas that are under-resourced.
- Provide scholarships for those who academically excel, yet fall victim to their disadvantaged environment.
- Support programs that will design curriculum involving the accurate history of the journey and contributions of African Americans.
- Provide financial support to children who want to attend summer enrichment programs.
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“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” – James Baldwin
We believe that social justice reform should be all-inclusive. It truly takes the understanding, appreciation and compassion of a neighbor to uplift another fellow American. The pursuit of social justice challenges us to stray from our comfort zone and be open to new perspectives. As opposed to apathy, we encourage empathy for those who need a neighborly hand.
We aim to:
- Build effective programs aimed at helping our at-risk youth in both the educational setting and the greater community.
- Foster the economic empowerment of present and future black-owned businesses.
- Support programs and initiatives that encourage cultural diversity within the workplace, among community leaders and within the ranks of the public service sector.
- Encourage positive relationships between law enforcement and the community, particularly the African American community.
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“Any form of art is a form of power; it has impact, it can affect change – it can not only move us, it can make us move.” – Ossie Davis.
Culture and art are the signposts of humanity. They allow us to connect on a deeper level than our skin color. They connect our dreams and aspirations and help breed a sense of belonging in a world where we tend to be polarized. The Maynard 4 Foundation urges our partners to lend a hand and allow our children to soar.
We aim to:
- Support programs and initiatives with goals to expose underprivileged youth to music, theater, and literary works.
- Support initiatives to expose youth to other ethnicities and cultures via exchange programs, immersion programs, and travel within our own beautiful nation.
- Encourage youth to learn a second language.
- Expose youth to African American artists and creatives (sculptors, painters, musicians, novelists, etc.)
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“Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul; man cannot live in health without them.” – Mahalia Jackson
Research shows that the African American community suffers from unique health problems. The Maynard 4 Foundation seeks to address health disparities, increase cultural competency and decrease indifferent treatment of African American patients, which may lead to serious conditions being left undiagnosed.
We aim to:
- Support efforts to address and eradicate diseases, disorders and other health concerns that disproportionately affect the African American community.
- Emphasize the need for work-life balance to ultimately improve physical and mental well-being.
- Support organizations that fight for environmental justice by focusing on improving air and water quality in African American and rural communities.
- Fight to address healthcare disparities and the lack of access to quality foods within the African American community.